Here are two recipes made from great food with good nutrients that fight cancer.
Veggie Blend (feeds three big dogs and one human)
Use organic produce if you can:
Collard greens – 3 med. Leaves
Swiss chard – 3 med. Leaves
Lancinato kale – 2 or 3 leaves
½ apple
½ C. blueberries
1 carrot
½ sunburst squash
1 small stalk broccoli
¼ C. each red and green cabbage
Chop vegetables lightly and place all in a food processor. Blend together till you have a light green mash.
Place veggie blend in bowls. For dogs, add 1 tsp fish oil per 20 pounds of body weight, ¼ C. organic whole milk yogurt, 1 C. steamed yams, and 1 fresh organic chicken egg, shell and all. Serve at room temp.
For human, add ¼ cup organic whole milk yogurt, and ¼ - ½ C. high fiber, low fat cereal and top with two strawberries.
Lip-smackin' good.
Chocolate Tofu Pie
Note – Soy isoflavones are a group of compounds found in soybeans. Isoflavones are phytoestrogens. In populations who have traditionally consumed soy in its natural forms (soybeans, tempeh, tofu), a protective effect has been shown for hormonally mediated cancers. In the west, (with our "bigger is better and if a little is good a lot is great" motto) isoflavones have been isolated from soybeans and concentrated into pills. These soy supplements have shown some negative effects on breast cancer treatment and are not recommended. As Michael Pollan, author of In Defense of Food, says: Eat real food.
That said; this recipe is good and good for you.
1 tub (14 oz.) firm tofu
1 stick organic butter (you know, pastured cows, no hormones or antibiotics – all that)
1 C. local honey
½ C. organic cocoa (more or less, to taste)
1 tsp organic vanilla
Toss ingredients into blender and puree till smooth and creamy. Place into pre-baked pie shell of your choice.
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