Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Walking Shasta

Shasta belongs to a friend and client diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma several months ago. MM is thought to be an incurable cancer that arises in the bone marrow; treatments aim for management and pain relief. With multiple sites throughout the skeleton, it can create a lot of pain for the person with the disease, making certain activities – like being dragged down the street by a pulling dog, for example – on the "no-try" list.

I have a flexible schedule, so once per week I trot over to Shasta's house and take the boy for a nice walk. He's always glad to see me, and I him. Normally, we jaunt to a nearby city park, but this summer, I hope to bring Shasta along for some of our river adventures.

My heart is glad for the regular connection with a stellar person such as Shasta's human companion. I am happy to pitch in, in a small way, and feel the threads of community weaving ever stronger. I am deeply saddened at yet another cancer in my circles though, and I wonder, will it ever end?

The causes of MM are not yet understood, but correlations can be made with autoimmune disorders as well as a number of substances a person may have been involuntarily exposed to such as dioxin, Agent Orange, and certain herbicides and pesticides.

Spending time with the Springer's person has been an unexpected blessing. Still, I look forward to a day when I can weave threads of community around happier issues – perhaps growing and sharing food or developing local sources of energy.

In the meantime, Shasta makes a fine Tuesday walking date.

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