Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Cancer Prayers

Nicholai's litter-mate has just been diagnosed with soft tissue sarcoma. His people have been told that the prognosis is not positive.

Kindred is a soulful dog, big and doofy, like Nicholai. He's loyal and protective of his family, sometimes to a fault – the brothers are much alike in many ways. Apparently, they also share a predilection toward the development of malignant cells.

When we rushed out to visit Kindred and his people last January, Kindred took a sniff of Nicholai and scuttled away, showing the whites of his eyes and raising the hackles on his back; we all felt certain that he understood the nature of his brother's illness. At the time, we all thought that Nicholai would leave us within weeks or months. Now, in an unexpected turn, we fear that Kindred will take his leave first. He has always been the big brother, the leader of the pack. Is it his role to lead the way over the Rainbow Bridge, the final way home?

To those of you following this saga, and to those you share it with, I'm going to ask a favor. Please light a candle this evening and again on Sunday evening. When you do, please send out a prayer – or meditation or wish – for Kindred's continued strength and a long and healthy life. If you don't mind, include Nicholai. I have put a request for him on the Canine Cancer Prayer List several times over the past year and, given his good health so far, I am not one to pooh-pooh the effort. Maybe while we're at it, we can hold thoughts for all pets – and people – who struggle with disease today. May each have relief from pain and live as long and as well as possible.

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