Saturday, July 17, 2010

How’s His Appetite?

When I take Nicholai to see his vet, a question the doctor invariably asks is, "How's his appetite?" As cancer progresses, it often wreaks havoc on the sufferer's digestive system, appetite wanes, weight is lost, and earthly time is limited. For the past eighteen months, the veterinarian has interrogated me about Nicholai's enthusiasm for meals.

Mostly, I laugh in answer to this query. Nicholai's appetite is legendary, and even in the year and half of lymphoma has included – in addition to his wholesome prepared meals – a whole bunny, an entire loaf of bread, a gourmet slice of pizza, an unknown quantity of rotting salmon, the entire foreleg of a deer carcass – hoof and all, numerous tidbits of picnic garbage scavenged on the beach, and a freshly baked pumpkin pie. And that's just what I can recall on the spur of the moment. Now Dr. J laughs too, after he shakes his head in disbelief. Most dogs dancing with cancer this long are losing their desire for food to the ravages of either cancer or its treatment. When Nicholai loses his interest in delectable gastronomic treats, we'll know his days are numbered.

So, it was with no small delight I watched as Nicholai rounded the point where the Willamette pours into the Columbia, stepping into dazzling morning sunshine. Chipper in the fresh dawn air, his tail wagged gaily. He appeared to be on a mission and in a moment, he nabbed something brown and limp from the sand. Judging from his posture, it was something good. I raced over to see if I approved – no more putrid salmon for this boy, if I can help it. With head high and tail erect, Nicholai carried his prize – a deceased rabbit – away from the sand, up to a comfortable grassy spot where he could rip the bunny to shreds and devour it in peace.

The heat is hard on Mr. Pickle, his lymph tumors are slowly growing larger, and I cannot imagine that he can really make it through another year. Therefore, I've steeled myself for his imminent decline. Apparently, that decline is not scheduled to begin today.

When Dr. Jeff asks about his appetite next week at his check up, I'll chuckle once more. Good food, planned treats, and another whole bunny, fur and all.

For the moment, I'd say his appetite is good.

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